The World in Which We Live: Life and Living

(About Manfred Davidmann and his works, with links to relevant reports)

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This review covers Manfred Davidmann's later works, placed on the website between September 1995 and December 2001. These provide a unique overview and deep understanding of how we live. We see people struggling worldwide for a better life, see basic causes of conflicts and confrontations and how to overcome them.

Another review 'Manfred Davidmann and his Works' provides some information about Manfred Davidmann and covers his work in the fields of General Management, Christianity and Judaism, referring to reports which had been placed on the website by September 1995.

There are other works which are not mentioned in these reviews. For a complete list of available works see the Relevant Subject Index Pages and Site Overview which between them list all works by Manfred Davidmann which are available on the Internet, with short descriptions and links for downloading.

Each of Manfred Davidmann's works is complete in itself, summarising then-known knowledge in its field while recording advances in human and scientific knowledge made by him. But his works are connected and interrelated and together they provide a unique overview and deep understanding of the way in which we live and organise our lives. In his reports Manfred Davidmann enables us to share his deep and unique insight into the reality of life and living.

The reports are factual and scientific, written in clear and easily-understood language. It speaks for itself that nearly 7 million copies of these important, relevant and factual reports have been downloaded from the website so far.

What we see in these reports is the secret underlying reality of life described by a step by step process of cutting through verbal smokescreens and misrepresentations to carefully tested and proved statements of how people live, of how people struggle in all countries and at all levels of society. We see how behaviour determines the standard of living and the quality of our lives. How well people live depends on their behaviour. And we also see what people are struggling against, see basic causes of problems, conflicts and confrontations, and how to overcome them.

We see that management and government can manage and govern participatively, for and on behalf of the people, deriving their authority from the consent of the people. The community's wealth belongs to all alike and is shared out among its members. People then cooperate with each other and the individual serves the community which in turn serves the individual.

At the other end of the scale, management and government can be authoritarian, can be dictatorship. Ownership of the community's wealth is concentrated in the hands of a few. People are enslaved by force or economic need and must serve the rulers if they wish to survive. {1-4}

And all people struggle to achieve a better life against those who wish to oppress and exploit them. So 'The Will to Work: What People Struggle to Achieve' {8} presents a detailed step-by-step listing of what people are struggling to achieve, their needs and wants, their achievements and objectives. This progression shows people in underdeveloped and in developed countries as they are, human beings at different stages of an identical struggle for a better life against those who wish to profit from their condition. {5-8}

Only a few individuals 'rule'. There are only a few 'rulers' and part of the struggle is that they attempt to motivate and to persuade people into serving willingly for mere crumbs, for very little. {2, 4, 7-8, 18}

This struggle, and the way in which it moved backwards and forwards, is clearly illustrated by the history of religions.

A 'religion' may be used as a tranquilliser to prevent the population from complaining about being downtrodden and exploited. The rulers rule, the rich are rich, the poor are poor and people suffer. The message the religion then spells out is 'This is as it should be, never mind a hard life now, reward will come in the next life'.

The underlying teachings of the Jewish and Christian religions are quite different and do not readily lend themselves to such misuses. All people are considered equal and entitled to share in the wealth of their community. However, what happened was that those who ruled, and those who wished to rule and exploit, then changed patterns of belief and observance, doing so from within, being opposed by the people with varying degrees of success. An ongoing struggle. But it is in countries following the social teachings of these religions that people have the highest standard of living, have lives of high quality. {9-14}

What we see in our societies is a social system in which top-level leadership is motivated by pay in its various forms, by greater wealth and by greater influence which includes dispensing patronage, and by power. The pay of directors is what owners decide to pay themselves and their directors. We see a pattern of differentials which rewards service to rulers, to owners and their establishment, rather than ability or service to the community. {4, 6, 15}

Society and our activities are organised and controlled to enable a few people to accumulate possessions and wealth at the expense of the population. Relatively very few people at the top take the key decisions. We see a system where owners and top-level leaderships enrich themselves by taking or using and risking other people's moneys. {5-6, 16-17, 35}

Profit is apparently being maximised regardless of the cost to others, to the community. Without care or concern for the condition, standard of living or quality of life of the working population. Without being concerned about the enormous human suffering which results.

What we see are consequences of decisions made at the top, and the results of putting them into effect. Results and consequences which at times make the decisions seem so brutal that they appear inhuman. {15, 18-20}

We can see struggle in all organisations and at all levels within them. It is a struggle against authoritarian management or government for the right to take decisions. And in all democratic organisations it is a struggle against the authoritarian mind taking over the decision-taking so as to exploit, and to oppress so as to exploit. {8, 21}

And attempts to take over and control decision-taking processes are far more one-sided and widespread than would be the case if we were looking at unrelated chance events, at unrelated local struggles. At times the pattern seems progressive as if it were planned. {22-23}

The struggle for a better life, and how to succeed, were described thousands of years ago. Meanwhile caves of solid rock have been replaced by caves of concrete and steel but the record shows that where people behave more humanely it is because of what was then recorded in the Pentateuch.

What we find there are statements, and clear descriptions, of

The appearance of life forms and evolution of early humans (homo erectus) and then of human beings (homo sapiens).

The evolution of the human brain and mind from the reptilian to human beings, detailing how feelings and reason evolved and changed life as mammals evolved into human beings {24-25, 29}.

And that human beings had carried forward the beastly selfish behaviour of their primitive ancestors but had to behave humanely, that their inhuman behaviour had to be punished. {25-26}

That human young needed many years to grow into responsible adults and that cooperation, and division of work, between the male and the female was necessary, that the family was the basic unit of society on which its future depended. {27, 30}

That hidden among people were selfish and irresponsible human beings with extraordinary abilities which enabled them to manipulate and control others so as to exploit them for the personal gain of the manipulators. {28}

And clear statements showing what is, and what is not, humane behaviour. As well as the universal scientific law that what happens to people is the direct consequence of their behaviour, describing the causes, effects and consequences of different kinds of behaviour. {27-28}

No wonder that 'those who wished to rule and exploit attempted to change such patterns of belief and observance, doing so from within'. {10-12, 14}

And no wonder that 'it is in countries following the social teachings of Christianity and Judaism that people have the highest standard of living, have lives of high quality', gained as the result of past and present struggle against those who wish exploit, against those who wish to oppress so as to exploit. {13}

What we know of evolution, social organisation and behaviour, of the worldwide struggle for a better life, and of the important role of the family in this struggle, is in full agreement with the ancient texts. But it is only now that we have the knowledge to point at hidden manipulators and are able to expose their unscrupulous activities. {29-34}

We have the knowledge, for example, to expose how in our time the media are being used to weaken our family life, to condition our young into weakness and obedience, and how society and our communities are organised to exploit us brutally for the benefit of a very few. {21}

And we now know that we need to cooperate against those who are holding us down, within our communities and worldwide {35}, and from the works of Manfred Davidmann how our behaviour affects our standard of living and the quality of our lives.

Links to Relevant Works

  1. Style of Management and Leadership

  2. Role of Managers under Different Styles of Management

  3. Organising

  4. Work and Pay, Incomes and Differentials: Employer, Employee, Community

  5. Understanding How Society is Organised for Controlling and Exploiting People

  6. Ownership and Deciding Policy: Companies, Shareholders, Directors and Community

  7. MOTIVATION: Summary

  8. The Will to Work: What People Struggle to Achieve

  9. Struggle for Freedom:
    The Social Cause-and-Effect Relationship

  10. History Speaks: Monarchy, Exile and Maccabees

  11. At the Time of Jesus,
    This is What Actually Happened in Israel: The Truth about Hillel and his Times

  12. One Law for All: Freedom Now, Freedom for Ever

  13. Liberation Theology
    Basis - Past - Present - Future

    What Actually Happened, What Jesus Actually Taught and Later Changes

  15. Social Responsibility, Profits and Social Accountability

  16. Ownership and Limited Liability

  17. Taxing the Population for Private Profit

  18. Exporting and Importing of Employment and Unemployment

  19. Multinational Operations: Transfer Pricing and Taxation

  20. Creating, Patenting and Marketing of New Forms of Life

  21. What People are Struggling Against: How Society is Organised for Controlling and Exploiting People

  22. Corrupted Economics and Misleading Experts

  23. Democracy Under Attack: Top-level Leadership and Decision-taking

  24. The Meaning of Genesis: Creation, Evolution and the Origin of Evil

  25. Genesis' Secrets: Pre-flood Evils and the Social Problems of Our Time

  26. Genesis: Differentiating Between Good and Evil

  27. Genesis: Morality, Sexual Behaviour and Depravity

  28. Genesis: Nephilim, Dominance and Liberty

  29. How the Human Brain Developed and How the Human Mind Works

  30. Family, Sex and the Individual; Women's Liberation, Feminism and Community

  31. The Human Mind: Part 1: The Human Group Mind and How It Works

  32. The Human Mind: Part 2: Manipulated Communities and Populations

  33. The Human Mind: Part 3: Manipulated Individuals

  34. The Human Mind: Part 4: Freedom, Liberty and Good Life: Overcoming Corrupt Manipulations

  35. Co-operatives and Co-operation: Causes of Failure, Guidelines for Success

Relevant Subject Index Pages and Site Overview

The Site Overview page has links to all individual Subject Index Pages which between them list the works by Manfred Davidmann which are available on the Internet, with short descriptions and links for downloading.

To see the Site Overview page, click Overview

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Updated    2022